Whitepaper MTX-Titan

Recently, our MTX seminar about IoT trends took place in Madrid The event will be replicated in Seville on May 8th, and you can still register on the link (Spanish).

As well as analysing the current IoT trends, MTX-Titan software was introduced, a firmware included in the MTX-Router devices that turns them into independent equipment able not only to read, store and send data from sensors and other devices, but also control them via, for example, AT commands.

Here you can download a whitepaper about MTX-Titan, or visualize it below:


Let’s get into the history of innovation.

Development of IoT solutions. Manufacture and distribution of modules and electronic equipment.

IoT Routers | IoT Modems | Industrial Networking | Embedded Computing | Wireless IoT | Sensors | LED Lighting


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