This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the Internet sites:

Legal warning

General information

This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the Internet sites:

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identification data of the company are presented below.
Corporate name: MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U.

Tax identification number: B79611794
Registered office: ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ, 109 28019 MADRID
Telephone: 91 560 27 37
Registration data in the commercial register of Madrid:

For security reasons, the other data related to the company will be provided to the client, applicant or user, once the commercial relations are established or duly registered.

This website has been created by the company MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. for informational purposes and for personal use of users. Through this Legal Notice, it is intended to regulate the access and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users.

Simple access to this website does not imply any commercial relationship between MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. and the user

Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. Access and navigation on this website implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

Intellectual Property and use of the contents

The source code, the graphic designs, the images, the photographs, the sounds, the animations, the software, the texts, as well as the information and the contents that are collected in are protected by the Spanish legislation on the intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. and the copying, reproduction and / or publication, in whole or in part, of the website or of any of its contents, nor its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification or transformation or other legally recognized rights to its holder, without the prior written permission of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, SLU

The rights derived from industrial property and intellectual property, owned by third parties, physical or legal, that under any circumstance are found at are safe from the foregoing.

The user, only and exclusively, may use the material that appears on this website for his personal and private use, except in those cases where the opposite is clearly specified, its use being prohibited in general for commercial purposes or to incur illegal activities. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. will ensure both the fulfillment of the above conditions and the proper use of the contents presented on its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in the case of infringement or breach of these rights by the user.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, as well as its configuration and presentation, without any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the site MATRIX ELECTRONICA, SLU website

MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. undertakes through this means NOT TO MAKE DECEIVING ADVERTISING. For these purposes, therefore, formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the content of the different sections of the MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. website, produced as a result of maintenance and / or updating, will not be considered as misleading advertising. Incomplete or defective information contained in these sections. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U., as a result of the provisions of this section, undertakes to correct it as soon as it becomes aware of such errors.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. undertakes NOT TO SEND ADVERTISING CORRESPONDENCE WITHOUT IDENTIFYING IT AS SUCH, in accordance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services. For this purpose, all information sent to LOS CLIENTES MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. will not be considered as commercial communication. provided that it has as its purpose the maintenance of the existing contractual relationship between client and MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U., as well as the performance of the information, training and other activities of the service that the client has contracted with the company.

When the user is browsing the web pages of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. The server where it is hosted automatically recognizes the IP address of your computer, the day and time at which the visit begins, when you leave the visit, as well as information on the different sections consulted. It is necessary that the server knows this data to be able to communicate and send the request made and that through the browser it can be seen on the screen.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

1. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. does not guarantee the operation of or its contents and services, whether they belong to the website itself or to third parties, nor that they are useful for the realization of any particular purpose or activity, nor that they are free of computer viruses, for which is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by its use.

2. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. It disclaims any liability arising from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside it.

3. Any link does not imply in itself the existence of a relationship with MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. nor that it knows all the contents or services that are displayed in the place where they are located.

4. From the website of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. It may be redirected, or linked, to content on other websites. Since MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. You can not always control the content introduced by third parties on their websites, it does not assume any responsibility for such content. In any case, the provider states that it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the redirection and / or link to said website, putting The content in question is known to the competent authorities.

5. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. is not responsible for the information and content stored, by way of example but not limitation, in forums, chat’s, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the website of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, SLU, however and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. It is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the withdrawal or in its case blocking of all those contents that could affect or contravene national, or international legislation, third party rights or moral and public order. If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.

6. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. It is not responsible for the breach of any applicable rule that the user may incur in accessing this website and / or in the use of the information contained therein.

7. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. will not be liable for the damages and losses produced or that may occur, whatever their nature, that derive from the use of the information contained in this website and the programs it incorporates.

8. MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U. is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of brand names, product names, trademarks that, not being owned by said entity, appear on this website.

The User is solely responsible for the use made of the services, contents and links (links) included in this website


MATRIX electrónica, S.L.U., is an Spanish company whose main activity is the distribution of electronic components and devices, in order to satisfy our customer needs within the new technologies scope.
Our main target is providing to our customers products and services oriented to competitive improvements, as the main warranty of our own future.
Management Board is firm in their commitment to fulfill customer´s request, as well as all the legal requirements which apply. Furthermore, the Board is willing to continuously improve the quality system and its efficiency, keeping it as one of the most relevant points to achieve a high level of customer´s satisfaction – which is the very heart of our business.
To materialize this commitments, Management Board sets the following working principles:

  • Offering to our customers a high-quality level, to be reached though the common effort and collaboration of every worker of the company.
  • To consider as a priority the prevention and correction of any mistake or default activity. Looking for the continous reduction of the NO Quality. Analyzing the risks & opportunities of the company main activity – trying to reduce the first, and to maximize the second ones.
  • Non-stop efficiency process improvement.
  • Quality System deployment at all company levels, developing a series of procedures in collaboration with all company Departments.
  • To reach and keep a leadership position in the market and looking for an expansion to new and different markets, in order to increase the company value for the customers and all the people who is part of the company.
  • To renew the products line card, adapting it to the new customer´s demands and legislation.
  • Training the company workers about the Quality System procedures and targets.
  • To accomplish with all the legal requirements which apply to the company.

Periodically, Quality goals are reviewed. Management Board takes this responsibility to ensure the objective is completed and its adaptation to our customer´s needs.
We firmly believe that, only through the compliance of these rules and principles, we will be able to satisfy our customer´s demands. We will also get our own personal satisfaction, consolidating and improving our competitivity in the market.


It is the commitment of MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S. L. U. (hereinafter, “MATRIX ELECTRONICA”) respect for the privacy of users and the protection and security of their personal data. Therefore, the user is informed about the way in which MATRIX ELECTRONICA collects, processes and protects the personal data that is provided through its online platforms.

The user must carefully read this privacy policy, which has been drafted clearly and simply, to facilitate their understanding, and freely and voluntarily determine if they wish to provide their personal data to MATRIX ELECTRONICA.

Likewise, the user guarantees that he is over sixteen years old and that the information provided is true, accurate, complete and up-to-date, being responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that could be caused as a result of the breach of such obligation. In the event that the data provided belonged to a third party, the user guarantees that he has informed said third party of the aspects contained in this document and obtained his authorization to provide his data to MATRIX ELECTRONICA for the indicated purposes.

1-Data Protection and Responsible.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA has adopted the security measures and levels of protection of personal data required by the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, Data Protection (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and other regulations applicable. The personal data collected through this website are subject to automated processing and are incorporated into a file that is owned and responsible by MATRIX ELECTRONICA, S.L.U., a company incorporated under Spanish law, number of C.I.F. B-79611794 and registered office at Calle Alejandro Sánchez 109, 28019 – Madrid.

To contact MATRIX ELECTRONICA for any matter related to this privacy policy, you can do so through the following contact points:

ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ, 109, 28019 – Madrid, MADRID or by sending an email to

2-Obtaining data and purpose of the treatment.

The collection of personal data is done only and exclusively through the form published in the CONTACT section, and the emails that customers can send to MATRIX ELECTRONICA when they request our services.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA will process user data for the following specific purposes:

1. Management of product and / or service requests
2. Information services to clients or future clients
3. Customer service and technical support
4. Customer collection management
5. Contribute to the strategic development of the business
6. Control the use made of the website


The legal basis for the processing of your data is based on your express consent and the need to execute the contracts whose object is the MATRIX ELECTRONICA products and / or services that you contract. The completion of the form included in the site or the sending of emails or other communications to the owner of the website implies the express consent of the Applicant to the inclusion of their personal data in the aforementioned automated file.

4-Professional secret

All private communications between MATRIX ELECTRONICA and the clients / users will be considered confidential.

We recommend that the Applicant does not provide any third party identification, password or reference numbers that, where appropriate, provide MATRIX ELECTRONICA.

5-Transfer to third parties.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA does not sell, transfer, rent or transmit in any way information or personal data of its Customers / Users or to third parties.


The user may, at any time and for free, exercise their rights of access, rectification or deletion, opposition, limitation and portability of their data, through the postal address or email of MATRIX ELECTRONICA indicated above, in the terms established in current regulations.

In any case, the user is informed that, in case he considers that MATRIX ELECTRONICA has violated, or has been able to violate the rights that are recognized by the applicable data protection regulations, he may file a complaint with the Control Authority Corresponding: Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

7-Revocation of consent.

When the processing of your data is based on your consent and does not affect data that are necessary for the realization of a contract with the interested party, the user’s acceptance that their data can be processed or transferred will always be revocable, without retroactive effects. . To revoke this consent, users may contact MATRIX ELECTRONICA through the following channels: [specify the different means through the postal address or email of MATRIX ELECTRONICA indicated above.

8-Data retention period.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA will keep the personal data of the users only during the time necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they were collected.

9-Required nature of the requested data.

The data that in the forms arranged by MATRIX ELECTRONICA through its online platforms are marked with an asterisk (*), will be necessary to fulfill the established contractual or legal purpose.

Therefore, if the user does not provide them, MATRIX ELECTRONICA will not be able to respond to your request.

10-Automated Decisions.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA does not adopt automated decisions reached through the processing of user data.

11-Changes in the Security and Data Protection Policy.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policy at its discretion, at any time and without prior notice, always in accordance with current Spanish legislation on data protection.

12-Use of cookies.

The second section of article 22 of the LSSI states:

The service providers may use data storage and retrieval devices on the recipient’s terminal equipment, provided that they have given their consent after they have been provided with clear and complete information on their use, in particular, on the purposes of data processing, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, When technically possible and effective, the consent of the recipient to accept the processing of the data may be provided by using the appropriate parameters of the browser or other applications, provided that it must proceed to its configuration during its installation or update by means of an express action for this purpose. The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an ELECTRONIC communications network or, to the extent strictly necessary, for the provision of an information society service. expressly requested by the recipient.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a simple text file stored by the server of a website on your computer or mobile device that only the server itself can access and read the contents of that file. Each cookie is unique to your browser. It may contain anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the name of the website, or some digits and numbers. It allows the website to remember some things like your preferences or what’s in a shopping cart.

What happens if I don’t want to accept cookies on my device?

You can learn how to deactivate cookies in most browsers by visiting this website (in English). Know that disabling cookies on websites will cause the site to not work properly.

The cookies used are of the following types

Primary Cookies

The primary cookies are those established by the websites and that only each site can read.

Third party cookies

Third-party cookies are provided by organizations other than the owner of the website you are visiting. In addition, the site you visit may include embedded content from other third-party services that may set their own cookies. The website of origin does not control the dissemination of these “cookies” so you should check the websites of third parties for more information on these “cookies”.

Session “Cookies”

Session cookies are stored temporarily during a session with the browser and are automatically deleted from the user’s device when the browser is closed.

Persistent Cookies

This type of “cookies” are stored on your computer for a certain time and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are used when you need to know who you are during more than one browsing session.

Flash cookies

Flash cookies work differently than browser cookies (the cookies listed in this document correspond to browser cookies), instead of using individual cookies for specific tasks, a website is limited to saving all data in a single cookie. Flash allows you to configure how much information can be stored in that “cookie” but does not allow you to choose what type of information is allowed to store.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA websites use the following types of “cookies”

MATRIX ELECTRONICA websites use “cookies” exempt from article 22.2 LSSICE, according to the “guide on the use of cookies” published by the AEPD at the following link: ( /publicaciones/common/Guias/Guia_Cookies.pdf). The online applications (webservices) provided by MATRIX ELECTRONICA use necessary “cookies” seeking the informed consent of the user BEFORE contracting the service.

Cookies required

These types of cookies are strictly necessary to allow you to navigate and use the services that MATRIX ELECTRONICA sites offer.

ELECTRONIC MATRIX. use this type of “cookies” in your applications, but not on your website.

Functionality Cookies

This type of “cookies” increase the functionality of the website by saving your preferences. For example, a “cookie” can be used to change the default language.


MATRIX ELECTRONICA uses this type of “cookies” in its applications and on its website for language choice.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies help improve website performance, MATRIX ELECTRONICA does not currently use any such cookie.

Online behavior cookies for advertising uses

MATRIX ELECTRONICA does not use this type of “cookies”

“Cookies” for web analytics.

MATRIX ELECTRONICA uses Google Analytics to obtain statistical information about your visits to our websites. This information is used to improve our website and its performance.


To learn more about Google Analytics cookies, you can visit the Google website through this link:

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